Tuesday 7 August 2018

How Blockchain is Reshaping Enterprise Software Development

The term blockchain although commonly used as a replacement for cryptocurrencies, it is actually the underlying technology behind cryptocurrencies such as Bitcoins, Ethereum with a potential open in many sectors from banking to logistics, from healthcare to public administration, and more. Blockchain technology allows data sharing with transaction records kept in encrypted ledgers. The technology holds immense potential to change the way businesses approach data and information and how software developers write, market, and sell software.

Blockchain technology also allows smart contracts that allow parties to store, verify and execute code on a blockchain. Blockchain Developers Dubai have undertaken the task of producing applications and software utilizing this technology. Such projects hold the potential to replace the traditional processing, storage, and computing elements of the computing stack. The soaring popularity of the blockchain means these new blockchain standards, offering infinite greater possibilities compared to conventional programming will soon become the norm in software development.

Blockchain software adopts a distributed ledger system where the data are although accessible to everyone but cannot be altered without any unauthorised access. Any user with access to the data on a blockchain built application may view or add data in the record but cannot change or delete anything. This makes the databases built on blockchain very secure, robust and eliminates the need of any third party or ‘middle man’ in data transactions. The benefits of such robust databases are huge especially when it comes to protecting the integrity of information in several industries.

Third party invasions in business transactions are to ensure reliability and trust between the parties involved. Similarly, software development largely takes place either through software development firms or through third-party portals such as Upwork. It’s quite difficult for small software developers or creators in any field to establish trust and integrity within their industry without the help of a middle man.

Blockchain technology removes the need of a third party allowing smaller players to get involved on an equal level. The peer-to-peer network of blockchain enables self-executing contracts, which facilitate payments between customers and developers, eliminating the middleman. The net result is an encouragement of small teams and individual developers, radically altering the hierarchy of the software industry.

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